Upcoming Road Work Notice

**Upcoming Road Work Notice**

Road work will begin on Monday, June 24th for the following roads:
– Uphoff Road
– Laudon Road
– Buckley Ridge Circle
– Rathert Road

Our contractor, Payne and Dolan, will begin millwork on Monday, June 24th and Tuesday, June 25th, and then paving will start on Wednesday, June 26th. The work will begin on Uphoff and Laudon Roads first, and then they will go on to the other listed roads after that. Full road closures will occur, but local traffic will always be allowed to get to and from their homes.

We estimate all projects to take around two weeks for completion, weather permitting. Stay tuned – we will post updates, as needed.

The attached map shows the affected roads. Paving projects are shown in yellow. Chip seal projects are shown in green, and will occur later this Summer. We will share another notice when we know more about the specific dates for those projects.