If you would like to send an email message the entire Town Board, please send it to townboard@towncg.net
Town Board Chair: Kris Hampton
3310 County Road N
Cottage Grove, Wisconsin 53527-9503
Phone: (608) 279-4470
Fax: (608) 839-4432
Email: khampton@tn.cottagegrove.wi.gov
Town Supervisor 1: Mike Fonger
2953 County Road BB
Cottage Grove, Wisconsin 53527
Phone: (608) 444-9028
Email: mfonger@tn.cottagegrove.wi.gov
Town Supervisor 2: Steve Anders
4274 Vilas Road
Cottage Grove, Wisconsin 53527-9503
Phone: (608) 839-4441
Email: sanders@tn.cottagegrove.wi.gov
Town Supervisor 3: Kristi Williams
3768 Bohnsack Lane
Cottage Grove, Wisconsin 53527
Phone: (608) 839-4758
Email: kwilliams@tn.cottagegrove.wi.gov
Town Supervisor 4: Mike DuPlayee
2712 Nightingale Way
Cottage Grove, Wisconsin 53527
Phone: (608) 839-4216
Email: mduplayee@tn.cottagegrove.wi.gov
The Town Board serves at large (i.e. they all represent the entire Town, they do not represent specific districts). They are elected to two year terms (Chair, and Supervisors 1 and 2 are elected in April of Odd years, Supervisors 3 and 4 are elected in April of Even years).
Meeting Agendas/Minutes
Regular Town Board meetings are held the first and third Mondays of each month at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Agendas are posted by noon on the Friday prior to the meeting. Click here to subscribe to meeting notices.
Minutes Archives
Minutes prior to the last calendar year.