Results of the Town Park Shelter Survey are now posted at:
Thanks to all who took the time to complete it. The Town Parks committee will review it soon, and make a recommendation to the Town Board.
Any organized use of the parks requires Town Board approval.
To apply, please see https://www.tn.cottagegrove.wi.gov/park-reservation/
Currently, the Town of Cottage Grove owns and maintains 11 neighborhood parks totaling approximately 22 acres. Most of these are relatively small and were dedicated when new subdivisions were platted. They primarily fill the need for individual neighborhoods and contain a varying mix of equipment for active recreation activities. The Town maintains these areas and makes improvements as needed and as funds allow. The Parks Committee meets annually to make recommendations to the Town Board for improvements to be made during the following year.
Town Board Resolution 2020-08-26 adopted a Public Facilities Needs Assessment that supports Town park land and recreational improvement impact fees on new residential development to correspond with requirements of Sections 66.0617 and 236.45(6)(am) of Wisconsin Statutes. It includes an inventory of Town parks and their amenities.
Ordinance 2020-08-26 amended Chapter 14 of the Town's code of ordinances to implement the park land and recreational improvement impact fees.